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2 posts tagged with "Terraform"

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· 14 min read
Emile Loosveld

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van Origineel auteur: Ifeanyi Otuonye

Choosing the right tool

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become a cornerstone of modern cloud resource management. It enables developers and engineers to manage their cloud resources with the same level of control and precision as application code.

· 3 min read
Wout Van Doorselaer

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van
Origineel auteur: Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols


In the hybrid-cloud world, we all knew that HashiCorp, makers of the popular infrastructure as code (IaC) tool Terraform, was looking to be acquired.

We also knew that switching Terraform’s open source Mozilla license for the Business Source License (BSL 1.1) had left plenty of unhappy Terraform developers and partners in its wake. Those open source users created a Terraform fork called OpenTofu. OpenTofu took off quickly, causing lawyers to get involved.

But that kerfuffle didn’t stop IBM from announcing it was buying HashiCorp for a cool $35 per share, a deal adding up to a premium value of $6.4 billion.