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5 posts tagged with "AI"

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· 5 min read
Lendert Meeus

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van
Origineel auteur: Partha Kanuparthy

Any computer system is only as useful as the accuracy and usefulness of the data it generates, whether it’s a modest departmental application or a predictive modeler used by an enormous cloud service provider. When a hyperscaler (which has a large network of data centers and a wide range of services) develops AI models, they simply have to produce robust predictions, or the effort is all for naught.

· 5 min read
Tibo Frans

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van
Origineel auteur: Junaid Jagalur


As someone interested in DevOps, I wondered how all the AI advances could benefit my field. OpenAI used deep learning to release groundbreaking products like ChatGPT and Sora. Microsoft used similar technologies to revamp its products, notably enhancing GitHub with Copilot. Many startups have sprung up, and large tech companies have poured billions into AI research.

Ultimately, how can engineers use this technology to reduce toil, add value to the software development lifecycle (SDLC), and increase development velocity? There are a few interesting options.

· 3 min read
Robbe Heynderickx

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van Dutch IT Channel
Origineel auteur: Wouter Hoeffnagel

Het gaat goed met IT-channel partners. Ruim drie op de vijf IT-kanaalpartners (61%) in de Benelux meldt dat hun zaken er vandaag de dag beter voor staan dan twee jaar geleden. Vooral de adoptie van generatieve AI-tool (GenAI-tools) en de groeiende vraag naar securitydiensten draagt hieraan bij.

· 3 min read
Wout Van Doorselaer

Bron: artikel gedeeltelijk overgenomen van Ars Technica
Origineel auteur: Benj Edwards

Yesterday, Meta unveiled early versions of its Llama 3 open-weights AI model that can be used to power text composition, code generation, or chatbots. It also announced that its Meta AI Assistant is now available on a website and is going to be integrated into its major social media apps, intensifying the company's efforts to position its products against other AI assistants like OpenAI's ChatGPT, Microsoft's Copilot, and Google's Gemini.

· 2 min read
Sven Knockaert
Roel Van Steenberghe

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van Tweakers
Origineel auteur: Daan van Monsjou

Intel heeft naar eigen zeggen het grootste neuromorfische computersysteem ter wereld gebouwd. Het systeem, genaamd Hala Point, beschikt over 1152 Loihi 2-chips, die neuronen en synapsen kunnen simuleren en daarmee soortgelijk functioneren als hersenen.